Site is updated for the December 13th, 2024 - Market update. Check the latest patch notes here.

Pax Dei Patch Notes

Market Square - Patch Notes - 13/12/24

New Feature: Gold and Markets


  • You can now obtain Gold in the game:
  • Kill some humanoid NPCs and check what they drop;
  • Gold operates as an 'ethereal currency' represented only in the UI;
  • When you receive Gold, the system adds it to a wallet in your inventory;
  • You can transfer Gold from your wallet to any chest where it will also appear as in a wallet;
  • Your Gold balance is unaffected by your avatar's death and can't be looted in PvP.

Market Stalls

  • You can build Market Stalls to sell and buy items for Gold.
  • Market Stalls are available with Carpentry level 5.
  • The recipe will appear in the crafters' list.
  • Each Market Stall has a maximum capacity of active sell orders. Currently, this limit is at 120 per Market Stall.
  • Permissions - currently only the Market Stall’s owner can change them
  • You can set the following permissions to determine who can sell goods at your Market Stall:
  • Private,
  • Clan,
  • Clan - Elders,
  • Clan - Alderman.
  • Actions you can't change the permission for:
  • Everyone can purchase from any Market Stall,
  • An order can be cancelled by the seller, the Market Stall owner, or the plot owner.
  • Creating a sell order
  • Put an item or a stack of items from your inventory on sale and give it a gold price. Each sell order size corresponds to one inventory slot.
  • Creating a sell order comes at a brokering fee gold charge.
  • This can only be done if the Market Stall is not at full capacity, the player can afford the broker's fee, and the player has sell permission.
  • Once created, each sell order shows the item, the stack size, the seller name, and the price.
  • Items with less than 100% durability and lifetime can still be sold. The buyer can see the durability state of the item in the details panel.
  • Market Stalls don't yet have detailed filters or sorting options, but you can use the text search to filter items by name or by the seller's name.
    • You can also use a quick filter for a single item type by hovering over an item or sell order and pressing the input displayed as “Filter by item. “ This option automatically sets the item's name into the text search filter.
  • Purchasing an item
    • Anyone can browse any Market Stall and purchase items from it.
    • You can only purchase an item when you have available inventory space and carry enough Gold to afford it.
    • Upon purchase, Gold is immediately transferred to the seller's avatar wallet.
  • Canceling an order
    • Orders can only be cancelled by the seller, the Market Stall owner, and the plot owner.
    • You can only cancel an order if you have free inventory space to withdraw it.
    • Canceling an order withdraws the item from the stall and places it in the inventory of the player who canceled it. As with the permissions on your plot(s), you must trust the people you work with!
    • When an order is cancelled, the fee spent upon creation is lost.
  • Market Stall Notifications
    • When your sell order is filled out, you receive the gold immediately in your wallet.
    • The initial release of the Market Stalls doesn't give you a visual notification when you sell a good. Your gold wallet updates as gold is transferred to it. We're still working on clear notifications for this and a Market Log where you review your active orders and trade activity.
  • Destroying a Market Stall
    • Market Stall can only be destroyed if it has no active sell orders. The plot owner, the market stall owner, or the sell order owner(s) must cancel any active orders to be able to destroy a market stall.
  • If a plot with a Marker Stall is released:
    • As there is no plot owner anymore, only the Market Stall owner and the owners of the different sell orders can cancel the orders.
  • If someone now places a plot on top of the Market Stall, they become the plot’s owner and obtain rights on the Market Stall. This means they can empty it by cancelling all orders and getting all the goods. Again, be careful with who you work with on the Market Stalls.

Changes & Fixes


  • A lot of stack sizes have been increased.
  • The system for selecting interactable items—loots, gatherables, and props—is now more reliable when the items are stacked on each other.
  • The interaction range has also been slightly increased.
  • The Unstuck ability can no longer be used during combat and now requires full stamina to activate.
  • Mining and tree-chopping animations have been enhanced.
  • Clan names will now consistently appear below player names in character nameplates.

Combat Balance and fixes

  • Projectiles can now penetrate water surfaces.
  • Reduced forward movement of all melee attacks by 10%.
  • The stamina cost of blocking in PvE combat has been reduced.
  • Base stamina regeneration is paused during blocking, but food and potion regeneration will continue.
  • The melee targeting has been improved to prioritize enemies close by.
  • The melee Aim Assist slider has been removed from the game.
  • The damage of all sword types has been increased.
  • Combat skills for one-handed and two-handed spears have been divided into Handspears and Polearms categories.
  • Fixed an issue where One Handed Spears incorrectly used Polearm damage on the final combo-chain attack.
  • The area of effect range of the two-handed mace special attack has been reduced.
  • Balanced the damage output of maces and spears to better align with their utility.
  • The axe special attack now reduces target physical resistances by 20% (used to be flat value).
  • The Hurt Proc effect has been adjusted to reduce stun duration, application chance, and flat damage.
  • Spell Casting now correctly displays the spell icon and text on NPCs' nameplates.
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to cast a spell on cooldown would prevent subsequent casts in the same slot.
  • Enemies stuck attempting to path to their target will now teleport to a valid spot near their target. This is a temporary workaround to a dungeon exploit where the enemy movement is blocked so they cannot reach their target.
  • NPCs will now verify their teleport destination to prevent unintended teleportation.
  • Fixed issues related to NPC disappearance, aggro, and pathfinding.
  • Fixed over-prediction of attacks against enemies moving near the player where some hits would be considered being done from behind, ignoring the blocking mitigation.
  • Fixed an exploit where it was possible to drop an item during combat and “hide” behind it to prevent receiving damages.


  • Improved Inquisitor grunts and sounds when fighting in groups.
  • Fixed the frequency of noises enemies make while idling.


  • Added several clan and party events to broadcast to the chat, e.g., new members joining, members leaving, or being kicked out…
  • Added a settings menu to the general chat that allows players to filter what chat lobbies they see.
  • Removed the Discord account name displayed in the chat under the player character’s name. The Discord account name information is still available in the interaction menu when clicking on a player's chat entry.
  • Updated the Discord button textures and text so they should not appear pixelated or blurry at different UI scales.
  • Fixed several issues with the Direct Message button usability.
  • Fixed an issue in which the friend requests, clan invites, and party invites were also displayed to the requester.
  • Fixed an issue where the nearby chat lobby might not appear in the general chat lobby selector.
  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't DM a player from the chat interaction menu after sending them a friend request.
  • Fixed an issue where texts with a line break pasted into the chat would automatically be sent.
  • Fixed an issue where successfully linking your account to Discord from the chat settings or friend list wouldn't trigger a pop-up.


  • Increased the size of the Skullcap resource for better visibility.
  • Added a missing icon for Green Apples.
  • Updated assets and icons for reeds and grain resources.
  • Updated the model and icon for Green Grapes.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the placement of blast furnaces on foundations and other flat structures.
  • Corrected the 3D model of wrought iron bars when dropped on the ground.
  • Addressed floating and clipping issues with decorative props in enemy camps.
  • Fixed the smoke effect emitted by Alchemy Tables.
  • Fixed lighting anomalies when entering and exiting water volumes in pre-dungeon catacombs.
  • Squared away some extra sound effects used to play when interacting with the map.
  • Improved the visual appearance of the Petra Dei.

Character Art

  • Beards and mustaches can now be selected independently during the character creation.
  • Subtle adjustments have been made to avatar faces.
  • Additional body shape options and normal mapping have been implemented.
  • Optimized several NPCs for better performance.
  • Adjusted some shaders to improve metal brightness.
  • Reduced excessive shininess on leather chest armor pieces.
  • Improved cape clipping behavior.
  • Ensured the "always cover body" feature persists in the characters' lobby.
  • Optimized texture scaling by removing dynamic bounding boxes for detail textures.
  • Fixed an issue causing head transparency when wearing specific clothing.
  • Corrected display issues with specific earring models.


  • Some resources and animals' spawn points have been updated.
  • Increased Tree Branch and Gneiss Stone density in starter areas.
  • Increased spawns for Level 14 boars, Level 24 bears, grapes, red onion, reeds, and pure iron deposits in the Wildlands.
  • Adjusted Meadowsweet to spawn more along the water in the grasslands and all non-tree biomes in the Home Valleys. Also added it to the wetlands biome in the Wildlands.
  • Ensured all quarries in the world have mineable spawning.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the skinning skill to not always receive XP from looting animal corpses.
  • Adjusted recipes for starter professions to align with the stack amounts for the ingredients.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the map to no longer focus on the player's location in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where holding shift and double-clicking G would move all items from one inventory to another.
  • Fixed an issue with inventory where the button prompts stack vertically.
  • Updated recipe names for smithy signs to be more descriptive.
  • Fixed an issue where items sometimes drop to the ground when moving them from the inventory slot to the hotbar.
  • Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause Craft All to stop functioning.


Patch Notes - Hotfix 28/1/24

Crafting & Building

  • Rebalanced the XP Curves and lowered XP Requirements per level to match the progression of skills affected prior to the Verse 1 update.
  • Fixed an issue where players have lost access to some building recipes that they had unlocked before Verse 1 update.
  • Increased Limestone spawns in home valleys and significantly in the Wild making leveling up carpentry skill to 32 easier.
  • Iron Pickaxe can now mine Regular Iron nodes.
  • Standardized wood output from chopping trees of different sizes.
  • Simplified recipe flow for low-level cooking skills.
  • Increased the amount of raw meat chunks gotten from carcasses to make low-level cooking more accessible.
  • Materials for cloth pins recipes are now easier to obtain.
  • Craftsman forge no longer requires Fine Cotton Cord.
  • Added a conversion recipe for turning Gneiss and Limestone into Sand,
  • Increased stack sizes for sand, glass and charcoal.
  • Significantly increased the drops for wool. Also, bears and level 5 boars now have a chance to drop wool.
  • Increased green apple stack size to 20 so it falls in line with red apples.
  • Fixed an issue where XP earns were allowed to continue even if players have reached max level. XP accumulation will now stop at the defined level cap.
  • Fixed an issue where skill levels in the UI did not show the correct level cap (40) for all skills. Players who reached the level cap were erroneously shown the max level at level 41, even though their skills were capped at level 40.
  • Overall, XP curves have been lowered by an average of 20% of total XP up to level 40. The reduction per skill and specific level can differ. Below are the average reductions per skill.

XP Cost reduction up to lvl 40 - 28/11 Hotfix vs. Verse 1 05/11

  • Blacksmithing – 27%
  • Armor smithing – 26%
  • Weapon smithing – 28%
  • Tailoring – 28%
  • Leatherworking – 24%
  • Cooking – 3%
  • Charcuterie – 32%
  • Baking – 7%
  • Winery & Brewing – 11%
  • Alchemy – 33%
  • Fletching – 17%

Patch Notes – November 20, 2024

Chat, Friends list, Discord linking


  • Fixed an issue where oak trees were missing in specific biomes. Oaks have replaced some beech trees in the Rolling Hills and the Old Forest biome. This is a quick patch to help with the resource dependencies, and we’d like to do a more thorough pass next time there’s an opportunity to do a full world rebuild. Note: there’s a very small risk that some of the oaks will clip through some player buildings since the oaks are bigger than the beech trees.
  • Fixed a respawn point in Inis Gallia - Jura that was spawning players in the wrong location.
  • Resolved an issue causing various snowy terrain to appear black and jagged at higher elevations.
  • Enhanced graphics for entirely dark areas.
  • Adjusted PvE ruins geometry, lowering it by 10 cm for improved ground registration.
  • Fixed some missing or inaccurate collisions across multiple PvE ruins.
  • Fixed floating issues with various roadside fences.
  • Fixed the fog glare from the moon or sun so it’s no longer visible through the terrain.
  • Fixed the sharp snow transition on cliffs and terrain.


  • Added Faction Relics to loot piles.
  • Beehives now drop from all types of trees.
  • Added more Pure Iron deposits in Lyonesse.
  • Fixed an issue where an insufficient amount of hides was dropping from killed animals.
  • Fixed the lack of low-tier hides for high-level skinning.
  • New icons and meshes for various items were added.
  • Added proper mesh and icon for Red Cabbage.
  • Fixed the Red Cabbage to be gatherable.
  • Adjusted brightness for glass item meshes.
  • Reduced the size of Gneiss, Flint, and Clay 3D meshes.
  • Removed Silver Fir Branch from the game, at last.


  • Changed unlock levels for Fine Leather, Fine Leather Bands, and Fine Leather Strings to be lower.
  • Leatherwork Bench no longer uses the Linen Cloth resource but uses Inferior Leather and Iron Knife Blade instead.
  • Corrected recipe unlocks for furnishings and other props, allowing placement in the world when acquired.
  • Fixed the advanced Spit Roast that did not contain the basic Spit Roast recipes.
  • Fixed available recipes on the Alchemy Distillery to show the correct recipe levels.
  • Fixed an issue where Level 16 Winemaking & Brewing recipes contained items only available at Level 24.
  • Adjusted leather hide drop rates to prevent progression blocks in Leatherworking.
  • Lowered crafting difficulty for Leather Bands, Strings, and Fine Leather to 33, easing progression in Leatherworking past Level 30.
  • Rebalanced various potion status effects and adjusted recipe costs.
  • Removed some items from the loot tables that didn't have any use in the game.
  • Corrected the icon and status effects for "Dry White."
  • Fixed the Small Ladder build preview to prevent it from floating in the air by default.
  • Resolved an issue causing duplicate entries for Loios Tears Leaves Extracts.
  • All chests are now correctly categorized under 'Storage.'
  • Removed the 'Salad' recipe for good.
  • Improved alignment of crafting recipes for alcohol production.
  • Switched Charcuterie and Tailoring XP curves.
  • Removed duplicate entries from the Furniture & Props menu.
  • Level 41 Arcane Resistance potion now requires a vial in its recipe.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in glass recipe progression.
  • Renamed "Berserker Mushroom" to "Fly Agaric."
  • Lowered the volume of sound effects when crafting.
  • Added various new sound effects for crafters.


  • Status Effects now display in player and NPC nameplates.
  • Added casting bar for Summon Corpse, Summon Corpse Party, Teleport to Home and Revive.
  • Fixed an issue causing Lost Souls to use ranged attacks too frequently.
  • Fixed an issue where buffed stamina would still regenerate during regen pauses.
  • Fixed an issue allowing Whispering Souls to use ranged attacks while wielding melee weapons.
  • Corrected missing sound effects for certain humanoid NPCs when detecting and attacking players.
  • Added a notification for the Teleport Home ability (and other abilities blocked by Combat) when activation is prevented by Combat State.
  • Enabled spellcasting confirmation by pressing the spell slot key binding a second time.
  • Heal spells now skip targets that die during the cast animation.
  • Fixed an issue preventing some animals from leaving the area if the player is in an inaccessible location (e.g., on a large rock, in water).
  • Resolved an issue where NPCs would pathfind away if a player jumped on top of them.
  • Fixed missing spell effect indicators from the HUD unless the player re-logged with their avatar.
  • Corrected an issue causing Badgers to hit players twice in a single attack - but don’t pretend it is why they killed you.
  • Shield and torch can no longer be equipped together, as both use the off-hand slot.
  • Fixed a delay in displaying deducted stamina until the action was stopped.
  • Resolved an issue where the player would not reappear at their grave upon revival.
  • Fixed duplicated active spell icons on the HUD after zone transitions.


  • Fixed an animation issue with a specific head model in the character lobby.
  • Updated icons for several wearables to better represent their appearance.
  • Resolved texture inconsistencies with Cloth Legwarmers, ensuring they appear correctly on all avatars.
  • Improved framerate when players move near multiple NPC corpses.
  • Created new textures and effects for Lost Soul NPCs.
  • Adjusted metal armor lighting in the character select lobby to appear less dark.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the Hide Clothing toggle in character creation from being turned off.


  • Fixed the positioning of sliders across the game.
  • Fixed an issue that blocks the mouse click on some buttons.


  • Fixed several log spam issues to improve performance.

0.1.0 Proving Grounds

World Update

Terrain update

  • We adjusted the terrain to have a more open and natural feel of the world and encourage exploration and travel.
  • Removed several steep cliffs.
  • Added several mountain passes to go from one area to another.
  • Added some paths to prevent players from blocking off some areas from other players.
  • Some mountain ranges have been lowered to make the valley more open.
  • Added new elements to the home valleys to make them more unique.
  • Added rock formations to some home valleys to facilitate building cliff castles.
  • Cliff meshes are better aligned with the terrain so that the landscape looks more pleasing and less noisy.
  • Improved puddles.
  • Tuned down some excessive rock clutter in some biomes (notably in Grasslands/Rolling Hills and the Lands of Stone).
  • Added some trees on cliffs and steep slopes.
  • Made the tree sizes more consistent.
  • Added new types of roads to increase visual variety.


  • Redistributed biomes for a more logical progression, making wildlands and home valleys more distinct. The home valleys now host three base biomes and two additional, more advanced biomes. The advanced biomes differ between home valleys, while the base biomes are always the same.
  • A new demonic-inspired biome, the Corrupted Plains, has been added and will welcome some high-end enemies.
  • Removed the gaps areas between the biomes.
  • Wildlife distribution has been reviewed to fit the biome and zone difficulty better.
  • Various biomes updates:
  • Some ‘ancient trees’ appear in enchanted forests;
  • Demonic weird growths appear in demonic biomes;
  • Eerie Pine Forest got a new look for the trees;
  • Forest biomes should feel less uniform;
  • Improved tree clustering in non-forest biomes;
  • Most biomes have had their names reviewed to reflect better their atmosphere (normal, demonic, haunted, or enchanted).



  • Added ability to allow players to set permissions based on clan roles.
  • Taking damage now cancels crafting.
  • An option to move item stacks from inventory to container and vice versa has been added.
  • Revamped the recipe unlocks system that will now rely more on skill threshold than item discovery.
  • Update the resource distribution based on the progression of new professions' material.
  • Modified profession’s progression and XP scaling.
  • Added a new skinning skill that determines the quality of the hides you can loot.
  • Rebalanced all regular open-world wildlife to make skinning progression easier for solo players.

Gathering improvements

  • The no-spawn area around plots has been reduced.
  • A one-button woodchopping/mining feature has been added. Press the button once to start, and the action continues until your character runs out of stamina or the action is finished.
  • Gathering (wood/ore) is now target-assisted to reduce the likelihood of players missing the resource node and performing an attack instead.
  • Wood Cutting and Mining skills now provide a ‘resource damage’ bonus when leveled.


  • The Journal can be opened by pressing “J” on your keyboard or clicking the Journal Tab in the character menu (TAB).
  • The skills lists are now part of the Journal.
  • The Journal lists all the recipes a character has unlocked, including the ingredients and crafter they need.
  • The Journal lists all the ingredients picked up or used in an unlocked recipe.
  • Ingredients of recipes listed in the Journal can be clicked to open more information.


  • New building piece variants: curved beams, new street signs, new doors, grapevine facade pieces, and a few miscellaneous pieces have been added - or readded.
  • Some of the largest crafters are now easier to place on a plot.
  • The character fades out from in front of the camera if the camera gets too close to the character. This improves situations where players build in a tight area, and the character model obstructs the view.
  • Players can now zoom in/out when holding the construction hammer.
  • Players can now zoom in/out while in building mode by holding CTRL and using the mouse wheel.



  • Added loot permissions to prevent ‘ninja looting’:
  • When an NPC dies, the system determines which player or party of players will have access to the loot. After a specific time (the timer is visible on the corpse), the loot will be accessible to everybody.
  • Active Combat Mode is when the character is considered ‘in combat’:
  • Active Combat Mode blocks players from using the teleport to Home Shrine and the spell Breath of Life (new spell).
  • Active Combat Mode is displayed on the HUD as a crossed swords icon when active;
  • Active Combat Mode is activated by:
  • Harming an opponent;
  • An opponent harmed your character;
  • Casting beneficial effects on someone who is already in combat.
  • Active combat mode persists when the opponents are alive and near you:
  • Killing all opponents ends the combat mode immediately;
  • Being within enough distance from all opponents allows the combat mode to be exited after a certain time.
  • Equipping was improved to work more consistently and responsively by removing limitations and making the animations faster.
  • Many enemies got their attack animations revisited, allowing more anticipation/telegraphing before an attack is performed.
  • Shields' durability has been increased.


  • Ennemies' progression has been reviewed, with the addition of more ‘easy-to-take’ camps inside the Home Valleys and a better progression through the biomes. In the Home Valleys, the enemies are weaker than in the Wildlands.
  • Note that caves have yet to get a similar treatment and remain unchanged for now.
  • The inquisitors' and lost souls' looks are being heavily worked on. They have not been finalized yet, but you will see the work in progress in the patch.
  • The props in the camps and ruins have been updated to reflect the faction that occupies the place.


  • The character now runs by default. Walk can be toggled with a separate input (default: Alt). The old method can be reenabled in the game options.
  • Running and Sprinting were reduced slightly to improve the overall combat experience when moving.
  • The sprinting cost has been reduced to compensate for its speed change.
  • Jumping stamina cost was reduced.
  • Swimming stamina cost was reduced slightly.
  • The falling damage system has been reworked for more consistent and predictable results.
  • The characters' feet now react to slopes in the environment and correctly place their feet up and down to reflect the height of the terrain.

Melee attacks / Weapons

  • Melee system - improvements on performing attacks while moving and makes it easier to hit an opponent:

  • The system now picks the melee target based on the melee direction;

  • The character will slightly move towards the target and try to keep up with the moving targets;

  • The system will rotate the character to keep it aligned with the target during a melee attack.

  • Melee attacks can be aimed up / down to be able to hit enemies above or below the character

  • This is automatically adjusted when a suitable target is in range.

  • Melee hit detection was reworked to represent the weapon’s path during an attack more accurately.

  • This allows spears to do line-shaped damage zones that hit fewer opponents and great axes to do big circular swings that hit enemies in a radius.

  • Combat responsiveness was improved by introducing animation cancels into melee attacks. This can only be done during the attack's beginning and ending phases. Players are forced to commit to an attack just before the damage is dealt.

  • Melee attack can be canceled by:

  • Casting a spell;

  • Blocking;

  • Jumping;

  • Special melee attacks.

  • Special melee attacks now cause increased stamina damage to blocking targets.

  • PvP - Damaging an opponent with melee causes them to be unable to sprint for a short duration.

  • All weapon animations were re-timed, and their mobility was adjusted to work with the new melee system.

  • All weapons are rebalanced, and their damage is distributed to be weighted to the end of the weapon attack combo.

  • All weapon special attacks were rebalanced.

  • Blaze and Viper special effects (procs) were reworked to apply buildup on every hit but will cause less damage.

  • Various fixes for special effects (procs) and other status effects to make them trigger more reliably.

  • Bows now correctly scale the damage based on the bow draw length.

  • Due to the work on melee, some weapons have been temporarily removed from the game. It includes:

    • All one-handed combat axes and most greatswords;
    • All the weapons with Ira Bene, The Slug, or Mosquito special effects (procs).

Spell casting

  • Spell targeting has been reworked to be much more accurate. The target is also displayed for the duration of the cast to increase combat readability.
  • Spell casting can now be canceled by:
  • New movement input;
  • Jumping;
  • Special melee attack;
  • Blocking.


  • Added new spells:
  • Breath of Life: Channeling self-only healing spell that can be used when out of combat.
  • Breath of Balance: Replenishes 60 stamina of you and the targeted player.
  • Breath of Joy: Increases movement speed for a short duration. Sprinting consumes no stamina and is immune to movement-impairing effects for its duration.
  • The Mesmerize spell had its cooldown and cost rebalanced.
  • The mesmerize now correctly breaks when the affected target is being damaged by damage over time effects.
  • Pacify 1/2/3 were rebalanced to provide a more straightforward progression through the spell ranks.
  • The stamina cost of most spells was increased.
  • The cooldown on The Haunting Memories spell has been extended.


  • Nameplates are updated for improved readability and additional information
  • Hovered enemy will display their nameplate for a duration;
  • Any damage on the enemy will display the nameplate for a duration;
  • Nameplates fade in / out based on distance (as long as they are within line of sight);
  • The colour reflects the current ‘relation’ with the character:
  • Gray: Neutral;
  • Red: Aggressive NPC or Player in PvP;
  • Green: Party member;
  • Blue: Clan member.
  • The level number of the enemy is displayed next to the nameplate to allow players to evaluate the difficulty of an opponent.
  • Spell-casting bars to communicate spell-casting progress
  • The casting bar appears on spell casts on the player HUD and the Nameplates (on others)
  • The spell-casting bar is red for offensive/harmful spells and blue for defensive/neutral spells;
  • When a spell is interrupted, the casting bar flashes red and displays ‘INTERRUPTED.’
  • Healing numbers are displayed when a character is being healed. This does not apply to Heal over time effects.

Camera improvements

  • Camera collision events have been smoothed out and should reduce camera ‘jumpiness.’
  • New camera smoothing has been added as the melee update will add more sudden movements to the player character.

Audio improvements

  • Improved the overall mix.
  • Music has been updated to be unique for most biomes and times of day.
  • NPC Health will now affect the grunt types more.
  • Added more variations for the Zebian and Inquisitor grunt personality types.
  • Added subtle grunts for chained and combo attacks.
  • Wood chopping cone attenuation and listener are fixed.
  • Level up a skill now has its unique audio per skill and level.
  • Added UI sounds.
  • Added audible indication of trying to perform actions when no stamina is available.
  • Added better visual and audio feedback when blocking attacks.
  • A sound effect was added when equipping a shield.
  • A new sound is played when a character tries to collect an item while their inventory is full.
  • Doors and chests now have sound effects when interacted with.

Other Updates

  • Most of the emotes are now played until the player interrupts them.
  • Updated our Unreal Engine to version 5.3.

Bug Fixes

  • Auto-crafting at a crafting station no longer logs the player out due to inactivity.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Stone Pillar Foundations and Short Stone Walls to have lower-than-intended integrity values.

  • Clan member icons now appear in the correct location on the map.

  • Players can now invite avatars from different provinces to parties and clans.

  • Fixed an issue where some sliders in settings showed a different value after restarting the title.

  • Fixed an issue where players do not always see other players' moves correctly during attacks.

  • Temporarily removed the FSR3 upscaling method to resolve stability issues when it's used.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause players to be returned to the main lobby after logging in with a character for the first time.

  • Fixed an issue that could cause plots not to be released immediately when deleted.

  • Increased Tin drop rates from Tin deposits.

  • Red Onion was not used in recipes and has been removed from the game.

  • Porcini mushrooms were removed, as they were a duplicate of the Penny Buns. They are replaced by Bay Boletes.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Settings menu to appear when loading in or out of dungeons.

  • Fixed an issue with the level-up notifications not appearing.

  • Added the option to close the game menu using the mouse beside the ESC button.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the "Primitive Longbow" to be duplicated in the crafting menu.

  • Fixed an issue where crafting some Charcuterie recipes with insufficient inventory space would not grant all the items.

  • Fixed an issue with some avatar arms appearing disfigured when wearing layers of armour.

  • Fixed issue where walls in caves are missing due to low streaming distance.

  • Fixed the size and shape of pauldrons that adapted to multiple layers of clothing in an awkward manner.

  • The Drowning Well inside The Farm dungeon is no longer an illusion and allows characters to swim.

  • Chests of deleted avatars should no longer display the character's debug ID.

  • Fixed an issue where the recipes filter blocked the ability to repair items.

  • Fixed an issue where excessive Short Log Beams could cause FPS drops for all nearby players.

  • Fixed an issue that could allow players to select a region that is in maintenance mode when creating a new character.

  • Fixed an issue where opening doors while standing close to them would cause a sudden camera zoom.

  • Fixed an issue where the player had no feedback regarding the unstuck option.

  • Fixed an issue where the Clan Heraldry would not be displayed at creation or after a change while in-game.

  • Fixed an issue where the Left-sided Door would not snap to doorways.

  • Fixed an issue where building decay was not present on released plots.

  • Added more visual effects to corrupted NPCs.

  • Fixed an issue where specific shields would clip into the player’s avatar when equipped.

  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to hold two offhand items simultaneously.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the equipment menu camera to stop working when a building piece or world object obscured the player.

Items removed from the game after the deployment of Proving Grounds

Food & potions

  • Golden Brew
  • Mustard Tea
  • Lemongrass Tea
  • Red Currant Spirits
  • Red Apple Spirits
  • Grape Spirits
  • Plum Spirits
  • Pear Spirits
  • Hops Mead
  • Blackberry Mead
  • Elderberry Mead
  • Grape Syrup
  • Rosehip Syrup
  • Lovely Porridge
  • Sweet Porridge
  • Fine Venison Stew
  • Nice Bear Stew
  • Alpine Juniper Berry
  • Gooseberry
  • Hawthorne
  • Pineberry
  • Chlorine Lepidella
  • Porcini
  • Pear
  • Plum


  • Distillery


  • Conditioned Ale with Intense Flavor
  • Conditioned Beer with Intense Flavor
  • Conditioned Beer with Strong Body
  • Red Apple Distillation
  • Cloudberry Distillation
  • Grape Distillation
  • Pear Distillation
  • Plum Distillation
  • Red Currant Distillation
  • Conditioned Red Wine from Cloudy Base
  • Conditioned Red Wine with Intense Flavor
  • Conditioned Red Wine with Strong Body
  • Conditioned White Wine with Strong Body
  • Wolfsbane's Seeds


  • Axe of the Fiery Eye
  • Axe of the Empty Shadow
  • Imp Feeders Steel Axe
  • The Withering Wilds
  • Tempered Battleaxe
  • Crude Hatchet
  • Crude Axe
  • Rugged Hatchet
  • Crude Hatchet
  • Impish Apparition Battleaxe
  • Willsapper
  • The Guard of Guardians
  • Battleaxe of the Lost
  • Torturer's Easy Axe
  • Bulimix's Axe
  • Axe of the Pura's
  • Demoncaller's Engraved Axe
  • Echo of Nago
  • Messenger's Heavy Stick
  • Priests Knuckle Crusher
  • Modified Shovel
  • Amabelle's Life Balance
  • Mothers Gift
  • Bon's Radiant Pike
  • The Great Tranquilizer
  • Tainted Spiral Pike
  • Spear of the Mighty Boar
  • Manflayer's Spear
  • Sword of the Pound
  • Fetid Zweihander
  • Poisoner's Clean Cutter
  • The Sting of Pellipis's Eye
  • Torturer's Broadsword
  • The Prize of Corruption
  • Tick's Prickler
  • Brutal Steel Zweihander
  • Fine Bastard Sword
  • Archdukes Brand of Fury
  • Blood Curators Fare
  • Sword of Peter deSalias
  • Toxic Zweihander
  • Pyrrhocoris' Longsword
  • Will of the Giant Boar
  • Cold Dark Arming Sword